Reynard Street Neighbourhood House

Our Committee of Management

Like all Neighbourhood Houses, Reynard Street Neighbourhood House is managed by a voluntary Committee of Management, made up from members of the local community.

What is the RSNH Committee of Management (CoM)?

Our Committee of Management (CoM) consists of at least five volunteers elected at the Annual General Meeting of RSNH by those members of our Association (House members) who attend the AGM on the day.

The Committee of Management provides RSNH with community “governance”, which includes developing strategic plans, policies, permanent staff appointment, monitoring finances and overseeing delivery of legal and contractual obligations. The CoM acts as the voice of our membership in line with the aims and objectives detailed in our Constitution.

The Committee is required to meet a minimum of six times per year, but currently meets monthly on a Tuesday evening between 5.30pm and 7pm.

At present, our Committee members are:
Dung Nguyen (Chairperson, Public Officer)
Frances Martin (Deputy Chair)
Matthew Gourley (Treasurer)
Shannon Wiseman (Secretary)
Cheryl McLachlan
Ilona Nicola
Derya Siva

Strategic Plan for 2024 - 2027.

See RSNH Strategic Plan for 2024 - 2027 here

AGM 2023.

Our 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on Friday 13th October 2023, 11am – 12pm at Reynard St Neighbourhood House, 104A Reynard St Coburg. The AGM 2024 will be held on Friday 25th October.

This year, we passed a special resolution to amend  our current constitution:
See proposed Special Resolution in full here

The draft meeting minutes can be viewed here:
AGM Draft Minutes

View our 2022/23 Annual Report here:
2022-2023 Annual Report

View our 2022/23 Financial Report here:
2022-23 Financial Report

View our constitution here:
RSNH Constitution

If you would like to become a member of Reynard Street Neighbourhood House, please click here!